5. 《无题》(不要低估什么都不做的价值,只是继续前行,听所有你听不到的东西,不打扰)(2021) by Lulu Kaalund 高清作品[30%]

Untitled (Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering) (2021)

材质 :Crocheted cotton and wool yarns stretched on cotton canvas and wood frame, 4.5 needle 尺寸 :85 × 85 × 5 cm Textile Arts


英文名称:Untitled (Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering) (2021)-Lulu Kaalund

8. 你用什么颜色你最喜欢的风景?(2020年) by Katja Loher 高清作品[28%]

With which colors do you draw your favorite landscpe? (2020) | Available for Sale

材质 :Two-channel video composition, 7:20min, looped Hand-blown glass bubble, video screen embedded in white acrylic pedestal on/off switch and sound knob 尺寸 :35.6 × 35.6 × 25.4 cm Installation

你用什么颜色你最喜欢的风景?(2020年)-Katja Loher(Swiss, b. 1979)

英文名称:With which colors do you draw your favorite landscpe? (2020) | Available for Sale-Katja Loher

9. 你正在踏上一段新的旅程……全身心投入其中。勘探不要害怕你发现了什么或发现了什么。好得难以置信吗?不,这是你所希望的一切,还有更多。这是你一直渴望的灵感。(2021) by Dannielle Tegeder and Sharmistha Ray 高清作品[28%]

You are embarking upon a new journey…put your all into it, your whole heart. Explore! Don’t be afraid of what you find or what you uncover. Is it too good to be true? No, it’s everything you hoped for and more. This is the inspiration you always desired. (2021)

材质 :Acrylic and flashe on canvas 尺寸 :152.4 × 121.9 cm Painting

你正在踏上一段新的旅程……全身心投入其中。勘探不要害怕你发现了什么或发现了什么。好得难以置信吗?不,这是你所希望的一切,还有更多。这是你一直渴望的灵感。(2021)-Dannielle Tegeder和Sharmistha Ray

英文名称:You are embarking upon a new journey…put your all into it, your whole heart. Explore! Don’t be afraid of what you find or what you uncover. Is it too good to be true? No, it’s everything you hoped for and more. This is the inspiration you always desired. (2021)-Dannielle Tegeder and Sharmistha Ray

10. \\“艺术家!你为什么其余的呢?你没有时间吗?\\”——“我没有。”(马)(2016) by Ilya & Emilia Kabakov 高清作品[27%]

材质 :Silkscreen, painted over with pastels 尺寸 :57.9 × 67.8 cm


英文名称:\\\"Artist! Why don\'t you paint the rest? Didn\'t you have time?\\\" --\\\"No I didn\'t.\\\" (Horse) (2016)-Ilya & Emilia Kabakov